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[英語]Redfoo - Keep Shining(12.7mb@320kbps@google雲端)[複製鏈接]



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發表於 2016-5-21 01:57 PM|只看該作者|倒序瀏覽
【歌曲名稱】:Keep Shining
We gon' go as far as we can go
Nobody knows how it all turns out
We promise to party out of control
We gon' keep shining 'til the sun burns out
We gon' keep shining, shining, shining
We gon' keep shining, shining, shining
We gon' keep shining, shining, shining
We gon' keep shining 'til the sun burns out
We gon' keep shining 'til the sun burns out

I'm walking in the club like every night
If you're hating on me, you must be in the line
I been on my grind, now it's my time
To kick back and enjoy this vodka and lime
Yo, I got my Party Rock crew, we raging
Shuffle bot cute and the b-boy stance amazing
Got a beat that rocks the basement
Industry that tries to chase me
When it's me, I'm only racing
So you see I'm first place, man

I know we at the club tonight
Good vibes and we feeling right
Everybody, raise your shots
Cause this is what we do when we party rock
This is what we do when we party rock

We gon' go as far as we can go
Nobody knows how it all turns out
We promise to party out of control
We gon' keep shining 'til the sun burns out
We gon' keep shining, shining, shining
We gon' keep shining, shining, shining
We gon' keep shining, shining, shining
We gon' keep shining 'til the sun burns out
We gon' keep shining 'til the sun burns out

I'm like that long shot, 30 to 1, strong slot
[?], but I'm gon' pop
Now I'm earning some and it won't stop
Won't stop, can't stop, the man's hot
#1 in the dance spot, yo
#2 is the place for you if you're racing Foo, face it dude
I like to shock ya, rock ya, drink some vodka
Shots up to my crew and you and to my Foo fans
Move into the movement, grove into the smooth synth
The [?] a deep abyss, I keep a fist pumping
And the bass thumping, and I see your hands up in the air
We got this place jumping, taking these shots like we don't care
Yo, it's all good, she wants it all wood
I see some cuties with booties, I think we all should

I know we at the club tonight
Good vibes and we feeling right
Everybody, raise your shots
Cause this is what we do when we party rock

We gon' go as far as we can go
Nobody knows how it all turns out
We promise to party out of control
We gon' keep shining 'til the sun burns out
We gon' keep shining, shining, shining
We gon' keep shining, shining, shining
We gon' keep shining, shining, shining
We gon' keep shining 'til the sun burns out

I know we at the club tonight
Good vibes and we feeling right
Everybody, raise your shots
Cause this is what we do when we party rock
This is what we do when we party rock

We gon' go as far as we can go
Nobody knows how it all turns out
We promise to party out of control
We gon' keep shining 'til the sun burns out
We gon' keep shining, shining, shining
We gon' keep shining, shining, shining
We gon' keep shining, shining, shining
We gon' keep shining 'til the sun burns out
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