查看完整版本: 魔獸爭霸3裡面主角講的話.
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a9393312 發表於 2015-9-29 12:30 PM




a6144546 發表於 2015-9-29 05:45 PM


- Alright,who wants some? 好吧,誰想來試試

- Aye? 什麼?
- Wait ''til you see me in action!* 等待行動指示
- Give me something to do! 讓我做點事吧
- Hmmmph! 恩!

- Brilliant! 英明!
- I''m coming through! 我來了!
- Move it! 行動!
- Out of my way! 讓開!

- Could you put some bonus points in my drinking skills? 你能給我的喝酒技能升几級嗎?
- Any fish and chips shops about here?* 這附近有炸魚土豆片賣嗎?
- I think it''s time for a nippy sweetie!** 我認為該吃點心了。
- What the bloody hell are you playin'' at?* 該死的,你在玩些什麼啊?
- There''s nothing more motivatin'' than fightin'' with a bad hangover!* 喝的爛醉然后打仗最爽了!
- Where''s the pub? 酒館在哪?
- Let''s get PIST! 去喝個痛快吧!
- [.vs 英雄] For Kazmodon!** 為了卡茲莫丹!
- To arms! 拿起武器!
- Death comes for ye!* 死神來找你了!
- I''ll run em through!* 我來搞定他們!
- Watch this! 看這招!
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a6144546 發表於 2015-9-29 05:46 PM

BloodElfMagePissed1.wav (憤怒,責備玩家的聲音)
- the bloodelf the Highborn is my birthright. 出身名門的血精靈是我與生俱來的權利
- the ghost of Quel’thalas cry out for vengeance. 奎爾薩拉斯的幽靈喊著要報仇
- I find your insolence... disturbing. (Star Wars) 你的傲慢真是...煩人。(電影: Star Wars Episode Ⅳ 中Darth Vader的台詞)
- if you don’t master your anger, your anger will master you.I should know! 如果你不控制你的火氣,你的火氣將控制你,我應該知道! (電影Mystery Men中,Wes Studi扮演的角色和Stiller的角色講了類似的話)
- hi, my name is Roy. I’m magic addict. ‘Hi Roy.’ 嗨,我的名字叫羅伊。我是魔法上癮者。嗨,羅伊 (觀眾有氣無力地和他打招呼)
- My blood cries out for the vengeance of my people’s blood, which can only be repaid with at least twice as much blood! Or maybe three times as much blood! Like if you went to hell,and it was full of blood,and that blood was on fire,and it was raining blood,and maybe that would be enough blood!Eheh...but probably not. 為了給我人民的血報仇我熱血沸騰,用至少兩倍那麼多的血來償還,也許三倍那麼多,就象你到了地獄,它到處是血,血在燃燒,在彌漫。也許將是足夠的血,恩,也許可能還不夠!
BloodElfMageReady1.wav (英雄出生時的聲音)
- burning to avenge. 為復仇而燃燒
BloodElfMageWarcry1.wav (戰爭口號)
- by the bloodelf of the highborn. 為了血精靈和出身名門
BloodElfMageWhat1.wav (選定英雄時發出的聲音)
- do you see something? 看見什麼了嗎?
- eshareado! (精靈語)
- evil is near. 惡魔接近了
- i’m here,mortal. 我在這,凡人
- this prattle bores me. 這場戰斗令我厭煩
BloodElfMageYes1.wav (行動/執行動作時音效)
- andufala! (精靈語) (第一滴血3 3個人在汽車告別時候里面有這個台詞)
- for my people. 為了我的人民
- acefablana! (還是精靈語)
- for now. 就是現在
- daaa,child’s play. 哎,輕而易舉的事
BloodElfMageYesAttack1.wav (攻擊音效)
- i’ll incinerate them. 我將焚化他們。
- For Quel’thalas! 為了奎爾薩拉斯!
- they shall burn! 他們該燃燒了!
BloodElfSorcerorDeath.wav (英雄死亡音效,無字)...<div class='locked'><em>瀏覽完整內容,請先 <a href='member.php?mod=register'>註冊</a> 或 <a href='javascript:;' onclick="lsSubmit()">登入會員</a></em></div>

a6144546 發表於 2015-9-29 05:47 PM

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